DC / MArvel oc


Sari Kolijn


Name: Sari Kolijn
Pseudonym: Electrolyte
Nationality: Dutch-Indonesian
Species: Meta-Human
Place of Birth: Eindhoven, Netherlands
Place of Residence: Utrecht, Netherlands
Face claim: Neon, Valorant


Sari Kolijn was born to a Dutch father and an Indonesian mother in the city of Eindhoven. Raised like any normal Dutch person, her interactions with her mother's culture was mostly limited to family visits. Other than that there was nothing too special going on during elementary and middle school. Sari developed a hobby for tinkering; breaking apart and rebuilding calculators, that sorta thing. After middle school she went to the Eindhoven University of Technology where she started on a course for a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering.This is where the comic booky stuff happens. She had an internship at a company abroad in the USA. There she had gotten into a workplace accident after experiments below the company had gone very much awry. After her recovery Sari was sent home, luckily the accident had left her with no lasting damages. Other than her newly developed powers to control electricity.Back home in the Netherlands she used her savings to rent a small apartment in Utrecht (very lucky, considering the housing market) as that would place her in the perfect position to travel towards any place in the Netherlands. That would be needed, as she was now developing a hero persona; probably the Netherlands' first electric using superhero.


- Basic in hand to hand, received base Pencak Silat training.
- Tech-head.
- Goes to the gym a lot so she can probably do mad pull ups.
- Electrokinesis.
- Able to absorb electricity to 'boost' herself.
- High resistance to electricity.